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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re-usable Wipes

So not only do I enjoy being frugal, but at times like these I HAVE to be frugal.
I have a newborn that is 2 weeks old today. 
Well, today I've run out of wipes.  I can't so easily pack up my twin soon-to-be 4 year olds and a newborn to take them out into this cold weather JUST for a case of wipes.
I have heard that there are such things as reusable wipes with home made solution.
I did a quick search and found LOTS of results.
I took some old recieving blankets that I had passed to me and cut one up into squares.
I folded them up and put them in a plasic wipe tub that I have.

I did a search for solution as I COULD just wing ding it- but being that she's a NEWBORN, I didn't think that was such a good idea.
I'm glad I did because I've found that mose basic recipes also call for baby oil which I NEVER would have thought to add.
Baby oil is not a staple here, but I happen to have a bottle of baby oil gel.  So I will make the basic solution of:
1/2 cup baby oil GEL
1/2 cup baby wash
2 cups water
try it out and see how it works.  I'll LYK!
Got it's purple b/c all I have is lavendar baby wash...


And poured....BTW- as I poured it in the container I THINK that maybe there are too many wipes in there (I put a whole recieving blanket) and it SEEMS REALLY soapy...IDK I'll LYK how it turnes out as I use it...

Here is a link to differnt methods and recipes that I found helpful.
Homemade Baby Wipes Information


  1. I'm curious how this turns out when you use it!

  2. @ Rebecca- this recipe was WAY too soapy and oily. Will be trying Recipe #2 very soon!
