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Monday, February 7, 2011

Hubby fixed my oven- baking here I come!

I HAPPEN to go to the flea market today and got a WHOLE case of over ripened bananas for $1!!  WHOO HOO! 

Since my oven didn't work, I was going to just prep them and put them in the freezer.
Well, hubby fixed my oven so here I go!
I wanted to make something that I could bring to the nurses at the hospital in the labor and delivery section.
They were SO kind to me while I was there.
I did a search on and came across this yummy recipe of Banana Crumb Muffins!
A quick SIDE NOTE for bakers....
I HATE that my drawer is full of dry measuring cups, spoons, etc.

Pampered Chef makes a few products that EVERY baker should have.  The first two are all in one measuring spoons.  They are adjustable to different sizes.
The second item is a plunger wet AND dry measuring cup.  Did you know that there is a difference in volume using wet and dry?  This plunger does BOTH AND it's great for things like butter and or peanut butter.

Made the muffins and they turned out GREAT!  The girls LOVE to eat their yummy banana muffins!

As you can see in the pic I used a simple heart stencil I cut out of card stock.  I don't have a sifter which is the appropriate method of applying the powedered sugar, but I just put it on with my fingers.
To be sure the heart was even, I just folded the peice of paper in half and cut out a half a heart.

Took a dozen muffins and put them in two layers of a box I had with some tissue paper to "pretty it up" and keep the tow layers from sticking to eachother.
Makes a GREAT gift for anyone!

This recipe was a BIG HIT in my household.  It was great for my twin girls because they are sweet and doesn't contain as much sugar as a cupcake would.

I was thinking of replacing the banana with carrots or apple sauce too.  If anyone wants to give it a shot before I get the chance, would love to hear some feedback!

Happy Baking!


  1. Those look yummy! I would love to have the recipe.

  2. The underlined words "Banana Crumb Muffins" is the link, but here it is too! :D
