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Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh so yummy chocolate pudding!

I, like any woman, crave chocolate once in a while but don't always have it on hand.  Well, sort of.
There are SO many recipes out there for puddings.  I have tried many different kinds and have not found one as creamy and yummy as this chocolate pudding recipe.
I, of course, HAD to double the recipe as one batch NEVER makes enough.
Now, the recipe calls for semi sweet chocolate chips.  This is not something that I have around the house so I had to improvise.  I have a LOT of those chocolate wafers that you melt and pout into candy molds.  I had some leftover from a previous project that is dark chocolate with mint flavoring (Mmmm).  I decided to use those and put them in a ziplock bag and smashed them up with a meat tenderizer that my mother had made.
I wanted to be sure they were in small pieces.  After I was done I put them in a dish.  Now, the recipe calls for 4oz and since I'm making a double batch it calls for 8oz.  I'm sure this is be weight and not by volume.  Since I was too lazy to get out my shipping scale, I just used all that I had.

There is a GREAT product that I got from pampered chef that is an 8cup pyrex type measuring cup.  I use this for many projects to include this one. 
I first got things ready such as beating the eggs in the measuring cup and got the sugar, cocoa powder, corn starch and milk in a pot.

You HAVE to keep wisking it on high so it doesn't stick to the bottom until it thickens and looks like this...

Then I SLOWLY added it to the wisked eggs in the large measuring cup and added in the chocolate peices as I wisked until it was all melted.

Then VIOLA!  YUM YUM YUMMY chocolate pudding!  Give it a try and let me know how yours turns out!  Don't be scared to alter or add to the recipe!

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