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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Homemade Oven Cleaner Review...

Since DH recently fixed my oven, it was time to clean it and have new beginnings.
I researched homemade oven cleaner recipes and found ----> this one.  I wanted to use things I had around the house and go the "natural route"
FIRST of all, I wish the directions were more to the point...I had to go through and underline the directions to skip over the "conversation" part.
It was a MESS!  Not ONLY did my oven NOT get clean, but it made a HUGE mess in my kitchen.
My sgguection- BUY oven cleaner unless your oven just needs a touch up job.


  1. Thanks for the honesty lol! I felt the same and went with oven cleaner medway, job done!

  2. Thanks for the interesting information - there's nothing better than a clean, fresh, neatural house and one of the best ways of achieving this is through your carpets! As well as DIY solutions I also like to recommend oven cleaning birmingham professional companies to people because you can often surprise yourself at the price and how natural their cleaners are. Great post, thanks again.
