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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby Food

What got me thinking about homemade baby food is my recent find of getting a whole case of bananas for $1 at the local flea market.

I packages and froze a bunch, made some YUMMY banan crumb muffins (see previous posts), and STILL had a bunch to I thought, why not make some baby food?!
There really isn't anything more frugal than making your own baby food.  Baby food even with coupons is SO EXPENSIVE!
You can get a LOT for your buck AND know EXACTLY what is in the food.

Here <- is a list of some homemade baby food recipes.

Obviously I'm not going to be making food a la cart.  HOLY WORK!  So, the best way that I found was to puree the bananas, then use a ice cube tray to divide , freeze and store baby food.

I found that lining the ice cube tray was best to easily remove the frozen food.
That way I can take one cube at a time out of the freezer to use.  My first mistake was not ripping off enought suran wrap to do this so be sure that you do!

I put the puree in the tray and stuck it in the feezer.

On a side note, you could also put the puree in freezer pop molds (can be purchased from Tupperware FOUND HERE <---) and make some natural banana freezer pops.

If you can vacuum seal the bags, it would even be better, I don't have that luxery- BUT I have a bunch of portioned, organic and FRUGAL baby food!

Baby food can be kept up to 6 months in the freezer.

I hope you found this helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I loved making baby food for my kiddos. Gabe even liked it and would help.
