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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Play Dough

So I plan on making some polymer clay (PC) projects in my kitchen today.
My PC is expensive and not exactly something I want my alomst 4 year old twin daughters to be playing with.
We got them some play dough for Christmas and through lots of use, it is now at the dump.
So today, I decided to look up some play dough recipes to make so they have their dough to play with and I will have mine.
The most BASIC recipe for a salt based play dough is:
1 cup of salt
1 cup of water
2 cups of flour
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
There are MANY different recipes to include ones that are edible.  I didn't have the ingredients for all of them but found ther salt dough recipe to be the most basic and consist of typical things around the house rather than going out to buy anything.
You can find other play dough recipes on the right hand side of the page ---> here.

I made the dough and found that it stuck to my hands.  If it sticks to my hands- then it can stick to ANYTHING- so I added more flour as I went.

I divided it up into two pieces, put them in two bolws and added 25 drops of food coloring each.

I DEFINATELY suggest covering your work space and wearing gloves unless you don't mind your fingers and counter top to be stained.

I mixed each color and divided them up into two balls as I have two children that will be using them.

I put each ball in a bag and sueezed out all the air so they can play with it later when I'm ready.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  If you try the other recipes please let me know how they turned out!

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