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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby Burp Cloth

I wasn't really thinking when I was pregnant with baby #3.  I am in DESPERATE need of more baby burp clothes.
I did a search for easy burp cloth tutorials and again ran into several.
I chose to follow this one here because the pattern was nice and neat and not something that was hand drawn.
The things that I changed from the instructions are as follows:
1) After cutting out half of the pattern, I traced it onto a piece of card stock as a whole piece rather than trace a pattern made up of 4 tapes together pieces.

2)I only cut out half the pattern as I folded the fabric in half with the "good sides" together so I would cut down the cutting time (The fold in the pic is on the left)
This tutorial was VERY easy to follow and I like how it turned out.  The turquoise fabric is the flannel and the pink is the cotton.

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